HyperLite SumoStance Review
Recently, we received a review on the HyperLite SumoStance from Tool Box Buzz. They really liked the ladder and all its safety features.
Will Endicott from Tool Box Buzz highlighted each feature of the ladder including:
-The ladder's weight
-Hi-Viz Green
-Sure-Set Foot
-Bubble Levelers
-Fly Section Rope and Pulley
-"Do Not Climb" Red Rungs
-SumoStance Outriggers
At the end, he said, "After using this ladder, I can honestly say that Little Giant has once again hit a home run with their newest offering. The HyperLite SumoStance Ladder is tough, lightweight and offers game-changing innovation that other manufacturers are simply trying to copy. Pro’s and DIY’er’s alike will benefit from the many features on this ladder. It WILL offer more safety and productivity. Although it is not cheap (the best rarely are), I, without hesitation, recommend this ladder to anyone that is looking for a great extension ladder."
We are so glad Will liked his HyperLite SumoStance and was willing to share his experience.
Click here to read the complete review.