Ideas for YOU During Ladder Safety Month

Ideas for YOU During Ladder Safety Month

It's Ladder Safety Month, and the Little Giant Ladders team has ladder safety on the mind. But Ladder Safety Month isn't just an event for ladder manufacturers, it's an event for everyone.


Are you wondering what to do to help during Ladder Safety Month? Here are a few ideas to get you going:  

  • Promote National Ladder Safety Month with weekly ladder safety-centered blog posts to bring awareness.
  • Send weekly internal company memo / eblasts on ladder safety to employees.
  • Include National Ladder Safety Month in employee/customer newsletter.
  • Invite a ladder safety expert to conduct a live ladder safety training to every person in your company.
  • Hold a contest within your company for the best ideas to promote ladder safety across the entire organization.
  • Issue a press release on how your company is promoting Ladder Safety Month and what changes you will make to keep your people safe while using ladders.
  • Hold your own ladder safety “stand-down” during the first week of Ladder Safety Month.
  • With your employees or members, attend a live Ladder Safety Webinar during the month of March. Several highly respected publications will be holding at least one Ladder Safety webinar during Ladder Safety Month, including Occupational Health & Safety, ISHN, and Safety + Health
  • Conduct ladder safety inspections on all of your ladders during National Ladder Safety Month. Remove from service and properly destroy any ladders that do not pass inspection.
  • Share ALI and other ladder safety content daily on your social media outlets.
    • Share stories, videos and images of ladder safety fails
    • Share links to ladder accident-related stories and news releases
    • Share statistics on ladder safety incidence and costs
    • Share stories of real people who have been affected by ladder accidents: these appear in the news several times a week. Several of the blogs mentioned above also publish these stories.
  • Offer incentives to all in your organization who complete online ladder safety training at during the month of March.


Ladder safety is important for everyone, so find a way to get you and your team involved for this annual event!

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