Quick Tips to Help You Work Safely
The American Ladder Institute has some tips to help you work safer on your ladder, and we want to share those tips with you.
Sometimes, you should just avoid using the ladder. Here are a few situations when it would be best to stay on the ground instead of getting on your ladder.
- -If you feel tired or dizzy
- -When there are high winds or storms
- -The ladder isn’t in good working condition
- -You don’t have slip-resistant shoes
- -The ladder you have isn’t the right size or weight rating for the job
- -You don’t have firm, level ground for your ladder
- -You were planning to use the ladder in front of an open door
- -You haven’t read the safety information on the ladder
- With the exception of the health-related hazards, the items on this list can be easily fixed by doing the opposite. To avoid a hazard, use your ladder in the following conditions:
- -You feel in good health
- -The weather is good
- -The ladder is in good working condition
- -You are wearing slip-resistant shoes
- -The ladder is the right size or weight rating for the job
- -You have firm, level ground to put your ladder on
- -If using a ladder in front of a door, the door is closed and locked
- -You have read the safety information on the ladder